
Showing posts from October, 2014

T-shirt Quilts

I see several fun posts lately on T-shirt quilts. And it got me thinking about my past t-shirt quilts. I have accomplished the design and making of one of a  kind t-shirt quilts. This means that each quilt is designed specifically for the person who wants it. I've made a few since first starting 2008 into using up t-shirts into a warm and memorable quilt. But I must say that making a quilt can take on a life of itself. Deadlines for clients mean that you must have it completed by the agreed time. It also means that you really get to know your client. Its amazing and very heart warming to me and with that in mind, you might want to make one yourself. Be aware, making them is an addiction! Applique is a must if you are really being creative! Adding interest to the t-shirt quilt starts by planning! Get out your graph paper and get busy! And this is what I'm up to today, playing online, reading emails from a few weeks ago and catching up on ...

Credit Card Fraud

I recently learned about credit card fraud from my own nasty experience. Yes, that also what I've been up to and not happy about it either, but it must  be done! The various ways that someone other than you can get your personal information is astounding and we all need more vigilance with this area of our lives! Its a scary thing, these nasty no-goods are working up new schemes all the time to get your personal information and become you on paper and then you are in trouble. But for those of you thought your personal information was secure, you might want to re-inform yourself, so you are not a victim. Please visit this very informative wikihow. Be aware of no one seeing your personal ID or adding unknown charges to the bill you sign or swipe! Carli

A Christmas Crazy Quilt in Progress

Yes, I have been busy as you can see. The whole thing is still unfinished but at least you can see what the quilter behind Good Earth Quilting has been up too. Earlier this fall, I fell in love with the block designed by Connie from Freemotion Quilting on the River . I've been pulling all my personal favorite prints and solid colors as this is becoming my winter project. I am picking summer colors for our king size bed. Please visit her blog, she has loaded up a bunch of nifty tutorials! I'm ashamed to admit, I've only pre-washed the fabrics for this project and a set of large curtains to go with it for our son and his girlfriend Melissa. I did get this lovely quilt destined for my good friend Pat who is a recent resident of PEI and feeling the affects of being from afar. She needs a "Quilt Picker Upper" and soon she's be snug underneath it. That's it from Carli the Quilter on the River too!

#Hexagone Crazy

I really love hexie projects and when they find there way to my hands from a garage sale I'm ecstatic.  Then I simply hand appliqued the antique hexie's onto a lime green background.  As you can see this is simple piecing, but I feeling frisky and it could be the cooler temperatures! My table is strewn with scraps and its coming together so well, that I'm waiting to show you more after its all done! Happy Quilting!

Inspired by a rug!

As you may remember, I laid out my first hand done primitive style rug several years ago. And this is my knitted version, wait I think I've seen it. This is the unique knitted version started in my life by my friend Nola. She is a knitting tool! Very good at it, too, my goodness, we all have our gifts! I wish this is one of my rugs. There it is, I knew I had at least one photo of its start. As you can see this is quite messy, but I have this belief that every first rug done this way, is a bit of a lurch, you know? But then I happened along this blog and you'll know why I had to say I'm inspired when I left a comment there today.  Her first rug is stupendous!! If you can, please do pop over and see her gorgeous rug. The post is entitle "Family Rug Finished" And I learned a few things about how to put together a fine example of what is important in my life, all in a rug. In order the inspired new rug I'd make is one tha...

I'm selling my Babylock Melody machine

I've decided to down size this little beauty is for sale. Nothing is wrong with it, it sews like a dream and its a dream to use the needle threader feature! Plus, this machine is really great on heavier fabrics like the corduroy its sewing in the photo below. As you know, my back has been called a crappy back and I'm simply doing less sewing and this machine is great for machine quilting. It has an extension that you can add onto the front of the machine to extend the actual quilting area. I used this machine when I made these little beauties below. This Melody version sews and quilts like a dream. It was purchased at Northern Vacuum in Terrace and if you live in the Northwest area, its a few miles drive to get it maintained. This machine has a self threading tool and thread cutter. As you can see all the various regular attachments are with this machine,  walking foot, tools for it use, zipper foot, 1/4 inch foot for quilters and various other feet that ...

FMQ Feathers anyone?

As you know I completed my first finish of this year with Pat's Triangle Quilt and compared to last year, my year is a total winner so far!  I really had a great time playing with the layouts of Pat's Triangle Quilt and using up fabric that was hard to match up with from the 1980s and earlier.  As you can see, I really felt brave when I used my flexible carpenters ruler to get a nice curve for the feathers! I know, feathers! And I had not hardly quilted much since spring time of 2013 and even then it was tiny projects at best. Its a blessing to feel better and alive again. And I'm sure if you can see my feathers are not uniform, you'll might be wondering did I just have a bad day or what? When really, its all relevant to the creation you see as you start onto the quilting of any project.  I'm sure lots of you have time and days to think and scheme and make decisions on who or how you'll quilt your project. I'm not big on mailing out a tre...

World Blog Hop Introducing a Crazy Quilter

I really pumped to be involved with this World Blog Hop from an invite from Dolores of  True Blue Canadian blogger. I've been following Dolores for several years now and encourage you to follow her too! Its always a little scary and a little wired to be tooting your own horn! I take on way too much for my own good. As was the community project of a very large 7.5 feet across by 5.5 feet down art quilt that celebrates the wonderful Town of Smithers, B.C. I donated this in May of 2013. If any of you are visiting our beautiful valley, you'll see this quilt at the front office of the Town of Smithers. I have written several patterns and not published them, one of these did get published in the B.C. born and thriving Quilter's Connection magazine with my Snow Town Folk pattern . I'm going to be sharing some more of this interesting and quirky pattern in later posts. If you are an ice fisher person yourself, then this fun pattern will make you laug...

Pat's Triangle Quilt

Earlier in the days of too little time to sew and quilt, my husband commented that I never seem to finish anything. This may still be true, but every once in a while I do finish something. These two pieces above were finished up this 2014 and destined for two grand daughters of my friend Myrtle. Finished! Then there are the various beaded earrings that I've finished and this is again in 2014. Then of course there is the finished quilt destined for Prince Edward Island. Pat's triangle quilt is really done. I tried to encourage my husband to remember all the quilts I have completed. But somehow his music called louder and so it goes. I chose a natural colored backing fabric and I will simply write in permanent marker on the back a nice little quilt label, that is still in the making, perhaps today while its raining outside. I realized that I have some how forgotten to post my "Finished Quilts" on my blog. And I was thinking of...

New Stash -Modern Zippered Pouches

I had to order these online from Mad About Patchwork's sale page. Wow, great prices and easy, friendly delivery. They just felt like the backgrounds I'm looking for my new little Dresden Plates. You might also remember that I was on a stash purchases fast. I am over it now.  I have one of those cute little zippered bags I showed in the post "Get in Gear Zippered Pouch"  where I used some of my stash. But I'm thinking about Christmas gifts now and these would be perfect for girl friends who sew! I won a great double zippered pouch from   and I recommend you visit this Romanian wonder of design. The photo below is Geta's Pattern. This is another pouch pattern that I'm giving this new fun pattern and I'll write up a review of it as I go so you can see it. So that's what I'm up to today. I...