This year end post of the most "unprecedented" year of 2020 is all about the various stitching projects I started, are in WIP's or are completed. I also drift into the topic of coping with COVID 19, self isolation and the nasty year this has been for many folks worldwide. Its a bit chaotic in its presentation. We had our 1/2 hr outside masked visit to deliver gifts to our family and friends on Christmas Eve. I am writing this from my living room. Its quite cozy on this chilly wet day in Duncan, B.C. My sweetie has his playlist for 'Relaxed' playing and the fire is cracklingh on the big screen T.V. I have felt all this year that I hadn't really kept up and made many things this year, but as it turns out this photo reflection is only part of my year. I was so busy, I missed photos. This quilt below is one in my collection. Its called "The Happy Quilt." Some quilts you just can't part with and they must remain beside me. This is one of them. The ce...