
Showing posts from March, 2015

Hexie Portable Project

I fell right in love with hexagon quilts made by Karen over at Fairies and Fibres.  Karen is so generous and helpful, I'd just love to get in the car and do a road trip, really! But in the meantime, I needed to get some supplies. Alas, my supplies in my temporary studio are a tad lacking. So off I went down the road to this lovely little shop in the Cordova Bay shopping center called "Calico Cupboard" and wow, you'll be surprised when you walk in this shop! First of all, they use paper bags to package up your purchases! And then they carefully fold everything into this neat little package. Thanks Suzanne! And I'm carefully organizing some choice birthday gift for Mr. Goodearthquilting! Now, getting back to Karen's work with Hexie's. I really love the work she does by hand on the majority of her quilts. Karen has proven her worth with hexie quilts. I learned about her most recent quilt along Millefiori QAL over at Kat...

Starting Things into strings....

After the memorial quilt on Sunday, I took a look outside and it was pelting rain, so inside sewing was the course of events for me. I have started a string quilt. Yes, its not too complicated, which is what my brain is saying it needs! I pressed some of the chunks before cutting them into strips and I began. But I just had to share one more random shot of blooming flowers!! And cute driftwood bird houses, how cute is that. When I make a string quilt, I usually do the QAYG method to cover off the FAST way to a finished quilt. This might turn out to be a table runner, but who knows at this point. So do the QAYG method, you'd need to have squares of backing and batting pre-cut so you can just fly away making up pre-quilted blocks. Then I lay each new strip down and sew another right beside it until the whole square is covered, then trim to the size of your original square. Then when its all done on each 5 inch square, the...

2 Hours of Celtic Music

This is the lovely music filling my ears this rainy Sunday in Victoria. Enjoy!

My Quilt Gallery

I have been renovating my blog appearance and making some decisions to allow and solicit sponsorship of my blog. So this is a change and if you are an online shop looking for a well qualified and dedicated blogger, then please email me. I'd like to again remind you that I'm not at all sure that I've got everything that I've ever done, but as I find more images, then I'll add them into this page. Please take a look at My Quilt Gallery. And to let you know that I've been doing lots of thinking about what I write and why and thread painting is very popular and I'm going to do more of thread painting in the methods I used for making the portrait of Sir Alfred Smithers for Smithers 2013 Centennial Quilt. Happy Quilting, Carli

Blog Appearance Renovation & Fashion Competition

Hello Readers, I bet you are wondering what "blog appearance renovation & Fashion Competition" are doing together in the same blog?  I admit I have been checking out the fashions of Gudron Sjoden of Sweden for quite some time, but didn't order for fear of spending money on fashions that perhaps were not quite "Me." I'm sure you know what I mean? Not much of a fashion statement, right?  But as I get older, I want my fashions to be more colorful and comfortable clothing that speaks to the women in me.  This, I think is the clothing found on Gudrun Sjoden's website and shop. Plus, to be completely honest, my blog needed a complete overall and so today, I'm letting you know that the various changes to my Good Earth Quilting blog are for you to comment on, so that I can get other perspectives, you know? This lovely top is one I'd love to have. You'll find this and many more beautiful fashions and the competit...

New Google+ Community-Crazy Quilting

I know many of you are admirers and makers of crazy quilts. How do I know this, I follow a lot of blogs and many of you are happily making awesome crazy quilting pieces and so a new community on Google + was really necessary. This post is all about why would you want to participate? 1. Crazy quilts are very popular. 2. If you make crazy quilts, even one, then we'd love to see you post with a description and a photo. 3. Crazy quilting is something that maybe you'd attract one more person to start a little crazy projects. 4. People love to see crazy quilts and the variety of crazy quilters is astounding and we are sure to attract viewers. 5. Heck, I started the google+ community-Crazy Quilting just last weekend and already we are 44 strong! 6. Do read the guidelines for this community because this community is not about selling your work, but rather sharing your joy of making the crazy piece. Come one, join us, its already a merry bunch!! C...

Itching for a Festival!

If you live in a small town then you'll understand the folksy festival that Smithers celebrates every year. We're a conservative, religious and active community. We have all sorts of usual services for visitors and you can find many churches like this one if you attend Sunday services or otherwise, its in Smithers. We love our Mid Summer Music Festival. Its mostly a family event, with loads of great music and lots of venues to just get your music out there. Later on in this post you'll meet a young man who sings the blues. Above, one of our local celebrities Jenny Lester usually pencils in this early July festival. You'll find plenty of young folk who recycle and its awesome to see this blanket is sweaters she harvested and remade into this blanket. Let me present one of our young people who sings his heart out. I don't remember his name, this clip is from several years and his name escapes me. Its a good listen though. ...

Rail Fence-Cultural Fusion Quilts

Here is my winter preoccupation, a commissioned memorial quilt.  I really like how the Rail Fence blocks lend this organic flow of water to this quilt top. I decided on a lighter back ground with darker fabrics being the flow of each block, then as I laid them out, I mismatched the flow to create the tumbling effect of river water tumbling over rocks. The family who commissioned this quilt for their son who passed away late in 2013, have lived all their lives residing steps away from the Kispiox River outside of Hazelton, B.C . This river supplies salmon to First Nations and locals and provides world class fly fishing for steelhead tourists. I've pretty much exclusively working on this large memorial quilt. As you can see, I intend on something special for the center of this quilt. Before I hand applique the center peice, I must reinforce the long flappy inner sides of the centerpiece. I will have to cut away behind the center peice once its hand appliqued onto th...

Del Bel - Stirring Bones, new hot Canadian artist

Please help me get the word out that she's performing on Friday March 6th on CBC's "Q" at 10 am nationwide. Our neighbors from back home now live in Victoria who have a daughter that is an hot, new Canadian singer-songwriter who performs all her own new songs.  She and her partner are the new group  "Del Bel"   and when I listened the first time at her parents home, I was struck with awe! This little girl was raised on a small farm in Northern BC and is one hot commodity that few know about and her she is performing this new single, "Stirring Bones" and her Mother who loves singing in chiors and her father is a public school music teacher. Both are lovely warm people and their daughter in a photo on their fridge looks like Amy Winehouse.  This is what the Toronto Star says of her work " Ben Rayner of the Toronto star reviewed Oneiric as  "one of the best Canadian albums of the year.."  which led the band to be ranked in the T...