
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Aqua Table Runner-Finish #5 2017

Let me tell you something funny. The bins and boxes of quilting supplies and fabric chunks of all kinds were going into the bins beginning in the summer and fall of 2015. I began culling the supplies I decided to pass on to others. On one of my trips into Smithers, I pulled up to the thrift shop back door unloading area and a helper came out. She took one look at me, turned around and closed the door.  I thought that was a little wierd reaction, but wasn't going to worry about it. I was far too busy to worry about a door closed in my face. I placed with my boxes onto the table at the back door and suddenly the woman reappeared with a few more ladies in tow.  She came out and explained to the other women 'This is the lady who made the centennial quilt' and 'look, she is giving more fabric away again!" She then went onto explain, that they started noticing an increase in their sales of fabric pieces and wondered if a quilter had died! We all had ...

4th Finish 2017- Vintage Embroidery

I have always wanted to hand embroider this saying for years.  Then one day about 5 years ago I was thrifting around town, going to garage sales and there this was all crumpled in a box of numerous sewing tid bits. I'm sure it would have likely found its ways into the local transfer station garbage if I hadn't found it. I began with deciding to add borders of a random nature. I love to use up bits and pieces that have found a dead-end in their creation. I love the Cloud 9 organic fabric in the aqua puffs of treetops. I machine quilted it in 2015, but then it went into another bin as moving back up north, it came along with me, but didn't anything done again. Machine quilting on it was a breeze and I'm really glad to get this one done, so it can be hung in my new home. I'm having a blast setting up my kitchen. Its really fun to have boxes opened and slowly I see the pieces of precious items that I've collected and kept over three deca...