
Showing posts from August, 2014

Back Country

We took a drive to find huckleberries, but sadly, this year is not a good one for our favorite berry. This river you see is the Morice River, which is the same river that flows past our home in Quick. Its also the same river that will be affected if the Enbridge Pipeline goes through. Its remote, pristine wilderness, with some logging in the back country. In our search we stumbled on the B.C. Forest Service cabin that is used for crews when fighting fires in this area. Its log structure is obviously antique, who makes the curved cut of the log walls as seen in this photo. The lake in the back ground is McBride Lake. Glassy still surface and way too much sun to get a better photo of it. And most of all, we laughed when we discovered there primitive outhouse arrangement in this chair and it works well. Just find an off in the bush site, sit down and get busy! That's all for now, happy quilting! Carli

Drums of the Great Bear - Historic Gathering Against Enbridge in Prince ...


Just for fun and Dresden Plates

Despite pain living with me,  I went to a racey bar in Telkwa where the ladies room still has a 4x8 glass covered nude men in various positions of barely their all. This was the only suitable photo to share. Oh wow, then I noticed this quilting block. I did see other things too, but for my eyes only! I have been quite involved with the gardening, canning and preserving of fish caught in the Skeena River. Becoming able to do most of the things I naturally do is a challenge. I'm so lucky to have a sweetie! Most of the yardwork gets done by my sweetie who pulls into a new gear whenever my back goes into nasty territory and I must sit for a spell. I'm learning about how to still do my sewing and quilting without the total mobility I've always known. So that transition is going on as well.  Rick is learning about canning fish. He's an awesome sport and follows my instruction of doing the whole process, I love  him so much, what more can a girl a...