
Showing posts from February, 2013

1st. Annual Re-Crafting Fair in Telkwa, BC

Last weekend, our crafting club held our 1st. Annual Re-Crafting Fair in Telkwa. Our mission was to educate locals and far away visitors about the many ways we've experimented to reuse textiles into new items. Reusing is an important task that all of us should be doing as often as possible.    We are just a small group of crafters who feel that our local communities and our local government need help in learning about this reality. We have a large number of people still throwing things into a Re-Use Shed with no one to care for these items on an ongoing basis. Consequently, we've learned that about twice a week, the workers drive a small bobcat front loader into the building and simply discard the clothing into the Knockholt Landfill that is about 45 km's away southeast of Houston, B.C.  We feel this is wrong. Education about 'how to reuse everything' needs to be done. We aim to educate everyone, including our local government. This blog posting docume...

Sir Alfred Smithers-Thread Painting My Style

Wow, I've come up for air! Literally, I'm sleeping, eating, working and quilting. These are the four things that I aspire to keep up with during this extremely busy time of my life. Yes, its way, way busier than I ever thought it would be, but so rewarding at the same time. Funny how life throws opportunities and if you're willing to experimentation, then the opportunity becomes something that is really good for you. I take heart in the natural surroundings of Telkwa and beautiful Bulkley Valley. This photo is looking west towards Roche' de Bule. Photo taken in lovely Hazelton, B.C This is how this whole centennial quilt project is for me. Growth in bucket loads!! I'v begun to take risks that I was too scared to do even a year ago! I entered my first competition in 2004, to the IPM & Quilt Show and won in the "Most Innovative" Category, I was very surprised and didn't quite know what to do next. After all, I'm a quiet, ...

150 Posts~ A brief look back

When I started this blog in early 2011, I really had no idea of how much fun I'd have writing, composing projects and reading the comments left by followers. Followers? I had no idea if anyone might be interested in what I had to say and truly when I started, it was all about confirming in my own mind I could write an interesting blog entry on a regular basis. Now, I have 50 followers and I've written 150 posts! I like those odds! So I thought I'd start this post with a look back. Wow, as I started to compose this post, I realized I have a lot of photos! Looking is not always an easy thing to do and appreciate all the new followers I have discovered over this last two years. I am just getting started! All the best, Carli

Babine Range & French Knots-Cloud 9 Fabric Giveaway

I'm on top of the world with the progress of my own quilt art style and incorporating local artists work into a quilt, I think is for the first time, maybe? I'm so excited about the whole project that I'm now counting down the days till completion. I've edited this post several time now to include the links of the special artists who have inspired the latest work in the Smithers 2013 Centennial Quilt.  I was inspired earlier in the year with artists that are doing some very interesting thread painting. One artist in first place for influencing my recent work is Monika Kinner-Whalen of My Sweet Prairie . Her natural landscape thread scapes are so beautiful and original. This is my first tender step towards stitching landscapes. In the Smithers 2013 Centennial Quilt I toyed with all sorts of political statements in art, in the end my ideas stayed firmly planted in the awesome panoramic views we live with everyday of glacier topped mountains in every direc...

Lost Blocks Found Table Runner

You know how it goes, you see an interesting block and you make just one. Then you decide its not really for you. It goes to live in the 'block orphanage" where sometimes you don't go back to visit for quite some time. I have a new friend and what a generous lady she is. First, she has begun teaching me about making jewelry, beading and now knitting. Almost every time we meet, she has made another lovely gift for me. I am embarrassed without any gift to give back! This will not do for a quilter! Meet Mertle, a Gitsan woman from Hazelton, B.C. Beader extraordinaire! So far, Mertle is not a quilter, because you know how that goes, suddenly the quilt bug bites and you're off to the races! I decided that I just wanted to make an example of the crafting that I do and so I began to reach into the block orphanage to see what I had there. Just maybe something fine, lovely and generous, just like my new friend Mertle would emerge? This is what I ...