UfO Round Up
I'm on a UFO busting assault on the blue bins. I have reached a point in my life where what's around me must reinforce my life in a positive way. Part of me feels that if I'd really wanted to finish them I would have done so long ago. I'm designing behind the scenes and writing stuff that makes me happy. Some of these UFO's are just going to have to find their way without me. You know what I mean? I'm really serious quilters, my UFO's must go out into the universe. I've left those memories aside along the path I'm on now. My life is my own and I can share what I want to do, even if its a bit of a rant! I am not seeing a clear path, but a path has opened up for me and things that don't simply move me forward with new ideas just cannot stay any longer. Read about this lead up here as I tried to convey how many beautiful half done or almost done projects. Oh my Lord, I need some Blogger Love quilters. This long