UFO Bag from the lovely Noodlehead- Complete

Hello my dear followers and friends, its such a hot day here in the Bulkley Valley that I just had to stop and do a little blogging! 

The fan is on and I'm grooving on another UFO. 

You see I was on the hunt for my Pretty Petals small wall quilt when I discovered another bin of more UFO's. 

This is the "Super Tote" by Noodlehead, I purchased this a few years ago and completely forgot about it.

I was almost finished this bag when it went away to deep bowels of another bin.

But I'm glad I got it complete, even if it doesn't look as sleek as the pattern photo.

I like a bag with internal compartments, I need somewhere to put stuff.

I must admit I found the insertion of the zipper a bit of brain banger, read that section over at least a dozen times, then still made errors in understanding what the author meant.

You can read more about how it came to be here.here.

I do like it and will use for an upcoming wee trip. I may even make this pattern again and maybe all cotton this time.

Linking up with Fiber Of All Sorts


  1. oh the wonders that can be found in the UFO bin - or in my case, bins. I'm seriously afraid to open mine so good for you for having the willpower!

  2. Looks like a fabulous bag, so useful! I so enjoy making bags - you've inspired me to get going on a few more

  3. I've made the Noodlehead 241 tote but not the Super Tote. I always struggle with zippers so good for you for getting it inserted. The bag looks great!

  4. That is one good-looking bag, Carli!

    Thanks for posting the links and discussing your challenges.

    Thanks also for posting to TN&TN!


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