
Showing posts from July, 2020

New Projects and a new Magazine- Piecework

Good Morning Ladies and Gents, Them or They! Its been hot as blazes in Duncan, B.C. this past couple of weeks, we went from spring time cloudy days of 22-25 degrees to 32 to 35 and not a cloud anywhere! Enough on the weather. I wanted to catch you all up on more projects that I've been up to in my stitching life. I don't know about you, but this self isolation has not been tough. I like being on my own, stitching away, chatting on IS and sorting through projects way too long to talk about that are still not finished. But County Claire blocks are busy evening blocks, getting these done so I can place them into quilt for my sister.Of course, she doesn't know this and we won't tell her, will we?? As you can see, I'm really out on a limb of getting creative using up what I have in my stash. I do have an overall GOLD color that is the general directions for her new quilt. And I highly recommend this new magazine cause its cool! Upcycling is becoming mainstream. Due to th...

County Claire Discoveries

I just fell in love with these blocks some time back while the world was learning about COVID 19. I discovered the handpieced and applique quilts of Australian designers like Judy Newman. I've followed Margaret Sampson George for ages now, and really suggested google searching AU Quilters. So as I began stitching the first block as a beginner to this block. My hand piecing experience had been a few projects I designed myself. I know the routine of tranferring the markings from the templates to each block, if you are familiar with hand piecing this block won't be too challenging. These blocks are proving to be just awesome for my hand stitching in the evening. My County Claire quilt will be made up of random chosen pieced Orange Peel blocks and the alternate is as seen below. I decided that my overall look of these blocks would benefit from a calming affect of the alternates having very little scrappy bits and more of the orange for outer border and the blue/purple corner bit al...

Wonky Rail Fence

Hi Everyone, I have been unsuccessful in posting any of my new work since early June when I posted last. Google Suite upgrade has changed many things and settings, etc have been disrupted. But now, after muddling through, I've found that now Blogger allows adding photos directly from Google Photos. Well that is an improvement. But I missed the memo! 😀 This quilt is for my son and he's an Arborist so he wanted prints of a manly color and without too many girly fabric, so I had to dig deep. I love this pattern Wonky Rail Fence from Sujata Shah's book Cultural Fusion Quilts. I need 42 16 inch blocks to be ready for a flimsy. This quilt has a deadline, Dec 25th!! So I've been using up the pre-cut, pre-sewn main strips and working on individual blocks in between all my other quilting projects. You can kinda see how it will eventually look from the photo below. I recommend her book! And on other notes, I've started the Purple Quilt, the 2 Blue Quilts and been happily han...