
Showing posts from August, 2019

Heat Wave Window Quilt

I have a big front window in my home that faces south east. Its a big window that allow sunshine and heat of summer sunshine to over heat my home. Its got some blinds on it that don't appear to be working properly.  In an effort to save the cost to our budget for air conditioning, I strongly voted for window quilts. Our window is a bay window and thus, its a little complicated because of this, but none the less, its got a window quilt now. This is not the first time, a quilt found a home for the summer over top of a window. But this time, its staying up until it cools off. Its been a God Send new item in our living room. It has allowed us to live quite nicely without air conditioning or the cost. This quilt was a purchased second hand manufactured quilt that was king size and it was so densely machine quilted that it was way too warm for our climate. But for a sun block this quilt opened my eyes to what can be done to upcycle manufactured quilts.  I had several size

Crazy Life Fashions for the Future

Last year I turned my attention to upcycling some favorite fashions into new upcycled garment.  Little did I know that you would spark a return to my high school days of sewing my clothing again. Its a little known fact that in my teens I made money not from baby sitting but rather embroidering classmates jeans with peace signs and flowers. This is what happens to stitch crazy people, they adapt and go all sorts of new and wonderful places. Just like this, I saw some fashions on the runway in Paris on my cell phone Instagram account and went, 'wait a minute, this is not new to those of us who grew up in the 60's and 70's, we were already reusing clothing into new clothing, into cushions and rugs, but back then, people thought we were crazy high on pot as most adults of that time, thought everyone under the age of 30 smoked something and this explained those reusing ideas to spawn in your head, you know the ones you might get if you were so inclined.  I