
Showing posts from May, 2014

Crazy Dresdens!

As you may know, whenever I go Bar Fishing for King Salmon on the Skeena River, I am armed with at least one main hand stitching project and a good book.  Sometimes, it can take hours to get a bite and then other times its so busy with bites I never get to work on any stitching. They sat until this week, when cleaning out my sewing studio, I bumped the drawer these were sitting in a drawer marked "Mad About Patchwork" and I saw them again with new eyes. Mad About Patchwork has lots of solid colors and these are going to be my next crazy quilt. I'm thinking "Crazy Dresden Plates" and this kind of stitching will pop in and surprise you. My little robin sleeps! See you soon!

Squares and Smiles! & Kay's Quilt Flimsey

Lots of learning going on here as Zander learns about rotary cutting! Kay is just in love! She started on the first workshop cutting out squares and she continued cutting and sewing and eventually she had herself a flimsy! And look at this fine tutorial on basic squares into a quilt at her blog, A Maiden Hair Fern I'm so proud of this small group, who with few funds, they are into recycling, reuse and new! Quilters are born. This quilt is so beautiful and anything you'd like to donate to this group, you can mail to me and I'll take it over. Its amazing and so rewarding to help these ladies learn the art of quilting. more later, Carli

Long Weekend Lake Catch

We decided to take a little trip to Owen Lake, near Houston, B.C. When you leave Houston, a mill town, the Main Line Logging Road follows the Morice River for many kilometers. The Morice River, swelled with spring run off is one of the rivers that will be affected by the proposed Gateway Pipeline by Enbridge, Inc.  I truly love camping. We tented for a long time, but as you get older, simply sleeping on a comfy and secure camper bed becomes more appealing.  I had just opened up my camera case, when we saw a  bear up ahead. I quickly zoomed in on it as it will be running soon. Bears if left alone don't care to interact with us and I'd had to act fast. I was ready with rapid shooting mode, I was so lucky to get two good photos of this young black bear. But then he was gone!  Gone, gone in one leap!  That's got to be 10 ft or more he jumped. When we arrived to the Owen Lake B.C. Recreation Site, which is a free site that is onl...

Quilt Show in Fort Fraser, B.C.

Hello readers and bloggers alike!  I'm always looking for ways to invite my readers to know more about my local area. We live in one of the little secrets of living in British Columbia, Canada. We are proud to be the most popular province to live in for weather, climate diversity, recreational opportunities and we have many amenity migrants flocking in to our area.  If you travel by road from Calgary, Alberta, you'll travel through the entire Canadian Rockies, across grasslands and forest with logging and waterfalls, mudslides and mosquito's.  You'd pass right on through a lovely little village of Fort Fraser, where a quilt guild of 30 members manages to organize and host the annual Fort Fraser Quilt Guild Show of member and guest quilts. Its impressive beyond anything I've seen in years.  This beautiful Bargello Heart is made Terri-Lynne Godwin. Below is one crazy farm quilt and I love it, its one of my fav's of the show. Regina was a r...

Law of Attraction in my life!- Updated

I've read many books over the years to gain self help with life issues that we all have at one time or another. The most recent action I've taken is to join up with a Premium registration to Hay House World Summit 2014 which runs from May 31 to June 9th. I'm reading an interesting book called  "Speaking My Truth- Reflections on Reconciliation & Residential School " my friend Myrtle gave it to me so I can learn more about what really happened with the deplorable residential school system that exists for over a 100 years in Canada. Learning about how children were taken, schooled and raised in barrack style school settings with no contact with their families and the abuse that occurred is sickening.  I'm a white women with an First Nations soul. I feel their pain, but cannot imagine how that must have felt like for thousands of First Nations children to be removed, abused and separated for years at a time. I want to help in some small way and I thin...

Law of Attraction in my life!

I've read many books over the years to gain self help with life issues that we all have at one time or another. The most recent action I've taken is to join up with a Premium registration to Hay House World Summit 2014 which runs from May 31 to June 9th. Now, just to be clear, I'm not paid to promote this site or any of its offerings. Its just simply something that I can do to help others discover the wealth of knowledge from the 100 audio recordings that I'll have access to with the premium registration. I first learned of Louise Hay a few years ago when a friend of mine mailed me a copy of one of her books. I love this affirmation below. I embeded this post from Louise Hays FB page. She allows others to share what she posts in any website. Thanks Louise! <div id="fb-root"></div> <script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = ...

A Modern Country Wedding

I'm so pleased to write this post and tell you about the wedding day and my lovely friends who became husband and wife. We know both of these young people and believe they will make a great pair and we'll see them often. Our lifestyles in this beautiful valley are unique for sure and many of us are leaving behind the conventions of large and expensive weddings. These two friends made such a gorgeous day and lots good time with a simple and modern country wedding. The look of love on Micaela's face spells a wedding in our future I'd say, but shoosh! Micaela is our oldest son Jon's girlfriend. Our youngest son looks on with a smile on his face. The quilt on the wall is one of mine to celebrate recent renovations to Round Lake Hall. Cristina coming down the isle on her own, she is lovely in her beaded simple, but stunning strapless gown! Cristina has a great sense of humor and this shows it! A modern country wedding is about laying back, enjoyi...

A little rural stitching and gardeing!

I'm outside lots this year and it feels so good to get outside and play in dirt!! Spring is here and we're  busy outside with gardening and camping! I can't remember if I have already posted this, but these two wall quilts are made by me for my friend Myrtle. Myrtle hand beaded the owl and flower, both of these are going to Myrtle's grand-daughters. Lots quad riders checking out the river a few weeks ago. No more ice on the river, just its usual spring run off water event as in the little ditch run off by Quick Station Rd. Then new stuff with angels in mind is on my design desk . And I'm finishing up a Christmas gift for my son, Jon as in the photo below! So this is all for me today. I'm linking up with Needle and Thread Network. Happy quilting and gardening folks! Carli