Long Weekend Lake Catch
We decided to take a little trip to Owen Lake, near Houston, B.C. When you leave Houston, a mill town, the Main Line Logging Road follows the Morice River for many kilometers. The Morice River, swelled with spring run off is one of the rivers that will be affected by the proposed Gateway Pipeline by Enbridge, Inc.
I truly love camping. We tented for a long time, but as you get older, simply sleeping on a comfy and secure camper bed becomes more appealing.
I had just opened up my camera case, when we saw a bear up ahead. I quickly zoomed in on it as it will be running soon. Bears if left alone don't care to interact with us and I'd had to act fast.
I was ready with rapid shooting mode, I was so lucky to get two good photos of this young black bear. But then he was gone!
Gone, gone in one leap!
That's got to be 10 ft or more he jumped.
When we arrived to the Owen Lake B.C. Recreation Site, which is a free site that is only serviced with camping sites, toilets without toilet paper for most and a boat launch and a creaky dock that looked a little sketchy.
We arrived to a lake blowing up and it was too rough to launch our boat. So we waited at our site for several hours chatting away!
Our sweet girl Rusty is thrilled with our decision and grooving at a new place to investigate!
We finally got the boat in after supper and look what I caught, a nice 6 lb Lake Trout. We like to think of this fish as an inland halibut its so good. And of course, I always catch the first one!
This lake is so pure without much development on its shores, no pollution, its really the best! The beavers are well, happy and thriving in this ecosystem. This one even looked back as I took this photo!
Last night on the lake, the evening was brisk and cool and by morning, the lake was a summer retreat of fun temperatures! He is my hubby Rick caught another nice Lake Trout.
Some of our neighbors had a chopping wood tournament as the families arrived and set up camp for the long weekend.
Happy Quilting! This was our long weekend, what was your long weekend like?
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