
Showing posts from January, 2019

2019 Finish Along Projects

I have soooo many things to finish, I don't know if I can even come up with a list of it all.  #FAL2019 really got me thinking. I have to get serious about finishing my work. I confess, I do tend to lean towards eclectic. I walk with my hand of creation diaily and the load gets heavier instead of lighter. When I opened a drawer of two of unfinished projects, I closed it immediately! Phuef! That was close to a stressful moment. I am avoiding stress in any form these days. But after a while, the drawer memory crept back in and I opened it. I need to do that for self protection. Ok, so here is the one photo for now to let you really see my 'unfinishedness" problem. I have been moving around far too much and have accumulated 19 finished tops in one drawer and 27 various bits, blocks and roundy things in the other drawer. Plus upon my tidying up today, I discovered at least that more in another area of my sewing room. So that is it for me. Time to knuck...

Using Photographs in Quilts

I laboured over spoiled images going into the garbage can until I realized that sometimes, its just a great idea for a professional to do the printing instead. So begin by researching and speaking with your local professionals who do machine embroidery as well as photo printing on YOUR fabric.  This is really key, quilters to get a great long lasting image transferred to fabric. Ask them to show you some samples of images transferred.  Ask about the level of qualified staff they may have on hand, this is not something for the newest member of their team to do.  Speak about resolution that is best for them to transfer. In this Denim Wedding quilt, I began with having the photographs selected to actually go onto the quilt. Decide how many images are necessary? Choose photo's that are crisp and clear, not any blurring or overexposure is recommended.  And sometimes you can tweek the photos emailed to you for the project.  Sett...

January Start Update-Upcycling and Scraps!

On Boxing day of 2018, I was at London Drugs and low and behold, here was this lovely size 6 mannequin. This little mannaquin helps me "see" the article as it changes as you upcycle the whole thing. And a wee bit of progress has been made for the Maps Challenge over at AHIQ:improvisational Utility Quilts. And before Christmas I needed a warmer housecoat and the upcycled housecoat as seen below is the ONE I love.  And hand piecing has been going on whenever I get a minute to sit and stitch as seen below. For the full post on these interesting blocks, pop over to AHIQ. While this photo is all blurry, my son took some photos of me wearing this dress and its become a favorite for sure. Another post is coming with those photos. Upcycling is soooo much fun! Bye for now, 

Retro Beauty is Finished

I found that with Canada Post on strike now, that I was in the last days of completion that I made haste with getting this quilt done! I must confess at times, I despared about actually finishing this quilt due to the unruly beginning and the actual resizing I had to do on each block.  See the light yellow sashing, well that is one of those "surprise fabrics" that I don't know what mix it is, but its not cotton. All the blocks were made by volunteers, no one knows how they understood what a 1/4 inch seam means? And God Bless Voluteers! These blocks were made originally for a very old, long ago fund raising project that didn't get finished. I don't remember the details anymore, but remember that they were brought back to me as the intiator of the project. The job of squaring each block up with as much 'centering' I could do with the wonkyness. But moving right along, I then pre-quilted each blocks, sandwiched and squared again.  This ...