Hello quilting friends! Today's post is a utility post on things I'm getting out of the way because they bug me hanging around in my sewing room and besides, hubby deserves a little love on his shirt. Problem: worn down collar on a favorite flannel guys shirt. The Fix: cut fabric from bottom of shirt, sew new hem on bottom and applique a cover up on the collar issue. I machine sewed the bottom edge that I had to cut off so I had fabric for the collar fix. Then hand appliqued new cover up in place and it looks so lovely. Hubby is thrilled! I forgot to get a photo of what the blue shirt collar issue looked like before I mended it. Gee, its amazing how fast you get out of sinc with your blogging process if left for a few weeks. Below is what the finished blue shirt applique on the collar looked like finished. Here is the next red flannel shirt with another collar issue to fix. Not all my quilting and sewing is to make beautiful...