Sometimes, when a call comes related to friends with health issues, its like a 'call to arms'. That call came last year and the members of the Quick Women's Institute, gathered for a one day marathon of quilting! A former member needed the comfort of our love and respect wrapped and stitched into a quilt! Below member Bonnie is pinning the next set of sashing to the sewn row of blocks in preparation for sewing it down and proceeding onto the next row. Our fearless quilting related leader, mainly me, organized a fast quilt as you go block by block quilt! This entails simply starting with any size of blocks, I prefer 12.5 in squares. Add a 13 in. square of batting and backing. I like to have the backing and batting slightly bigger to offset changes once machine quilting is done. This process is NOT your mama's hand made quilt! Its a fast version that is the one I turn to when time is of the essence. You start with precut blocks, battin