Snow Town Folk Quilt Along Invitation
In the fall of 2011, I completed my first real pattern, tested with two versions and two suggested layouts. I am so fortunate that a pattern of my own creation was chosen for inclusion in western Canada's magazine Quilters Connection . winter issue. Heather Macauther, publisher is an awesome entrepreneur and loves my work too! I've designed all sorts of patterns that I make for myself, friends and family. If you'd like to join in an upcoming Snow Town Folk quilt along, just email me directly at carli the quilter (at) gmail (dot) com This pattern was inspired by the many types of head wear I see in the winter months while ice fishing with my husband. Ice fishers are a special kind of fisher in my opinion. They are special because they brave the cold temperatures, lug all kinds of gear miles down a lake, sometimes they have a shelter, but most times they are simply after the experience and the fresh wild fish in the winter months! Salmon, the main fis...