UfO Round Up

I'm on a UFO busting assault on the blue bins.

I have reached a point in my life where what's around me must reinforce my life in a positive way. Part of me feels that if I'd really wanted to finish them I would have done so long ago. I'm designing behind the scenes and writing stuff that makes me happy. 

Some of these UFO's are just going to have to find their way without me. You know what I mean?

I'm really serious quilters, my UFO's must go out into the universe. 

I've left those memories aside along the path I'm on now. 

My life is my own and I can share what I want to do, even if its a bit of a rant!

I am not seeing a clear path, but a path has opened up for me and things that don't simply move me forward with new ideas just cannot stay any longer.

Read about this lead up here as I tried to convey how many beautiful half done or almost done projects. Oh my Lord, I need some Blogger Love quilters. This long post listed others that you haven't seen recently.

I completed only one UFO. The lovely pattern from Jen Kingwell, "Midnight Over the Oasis"

Does anyone feel like this or do I have a serious UFO disorder?

Please leave me a comment telling me what do you do with your own bins of UFO's?

Sometimes, its just a lone block that waits. What would you do with a lone block?

Should I just go quietly off to the thrift store donation table and give them away or should I use them for GiveAways here at this blog or would you see their value for your own project? Or should I finish them over my lifetime and donate to charity projects for raffle?

Do you see something to work with in any of these photos? Would you buy a half done project or just  few blocks of a color theme?

I know heh, questions and questions! 

This is fun. I'm really pumped about hearing your comments.

Bye for now,



  1. I have oodles of WIPs. I like WIP better than UFO because it sounds like there is a possibility of getting it finished. I don't finish every project but I do find that I sometimes get tired of a project so I'll set it aside and start something new. When I come back to the old project I can look at it with fresh eyes. Occasionally I do get rid of projects because my tastes or styles have changed. It takes a while to work up the courage but I do eventually let them go. At my Guild we have a table where members put UFOs, fabrics, books and patterns. Other members are free to help themselves. One quilters trash is usually another quilters treasure!

    I NEVER beat myself up over not finishing something. I think the process of creating is just so good for the mind and body that the time was well spent.

  2. What you're doing is very admirable - getting rid of UFO's is so freeing (as I'm working on doing that very same thing myself). As for ideas of what to do with your goodies - do you have a quilt guild in your area? There are often members there that are thrilled to finish off projects or to re-create them in their own way.

  3. I am happiest as a scrappy quilter - so I have a list of almost 20 WIP efforts and it doesn't bother me at all. I have 3 in active stages right now with another 3-4 nudging at me from the sidelines. The others are safely stashed with notes for "their time" at the top of the list. As far as orphan parts - I stash them until there are enough to make mug mats, journal covers, pillow covers, or other smallish items. Otherwise, I cut them into strips and add them to the string bins.

  4. Thank you ladies for settling this issue of having too many WIP, which is what I'm calling them from now on.


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