Love on the Road Trip to Winnipeg

Our vacation began with a ferry ride when you live on island. My hubby and I had a bucket list of sorts for this trip. He grew up in Winnipeg. So he had some sweet places that still exist and don't show up these photos. They are private to he and I.

The photo above gives you an idea of the depth of some of the canyons passing through the Duffy Lake highway into Lillioet, B.C. It was our first stop.

We travelled east along parts of Trans Canada Highway, but spent time mostly going back roads, seeing country new to our eyes. Having grown up and lived all my life in British Columbia, its no secret that B.C. is in my blood. The Canadian Rockies spell beauty of unimaginable scenes of mountains, valley's and interesting rock formations like the Shale Rock.

Alberta was a busy section and we scurried into Saskatchewan heading for Grasslands National Park. This was poor planning on our part that we didn't know the way through the park is on a road tour that takes about 3 hrs to several days if you stay overnight.

We didn't have 3 hours for that ansd so this is it for Grasslands and its not even into the park yet, but similar territory.

It was a first for me to see the great expanse of the Prairies. Really, somehow, I just didn't get onto the Prairies until now and so glad I did as they are beautiful.

Monika Kinnen Whalen is a friend who stitches beautiful art sold around the world. This beauty is a piece of her thread art.

Image result for monika kinner whalen instagram
Monika makes her home in the Prairies of Canada and now I see why, its gorgeous in a totally different way. Yes, its prairie land stretches for as far as the eye can see and it goes on for days. But everywhere you look, its another scene of beauty in all directions.

And I saw my first Prairie Antilope, who bound off into the greater prairie right after this photo was taken.

My hubby found the biggest bush of chokecherries that we just had to stop and pick enough for one batch of jelly. Yum, it brings back his childhood days of picking chokecherries with his family. I didn't know that chokecherries grow wild everywhere I can see in Manitoba.

Manitoba is without a doubt a wild and beautiful province in Canada, yes, the bugs can be an issue, but basically at the end of August, they are pretty much done. But why so many mossy's you say, the province holds title to having more than 10,000 lakes, so there is a lot of water in Manitoba.

But I wanted to see and take a photo of some part of the Canadian Shield seen in the big rock across this lake.

Image result for canadian shield map

Lockport as seen below is one small fishing and farming town with a small dam on the Red River provides an annual place for locals to fish. Although, I didn't seen any sign of a fish ladder!

We came back into B.C at the Crowsnest Pass, lovely historical old mining town that perhaps is being revived, but do have all the amenties for the travelling public.

We came home refreshed and excited to begin our routines of work and play and garden.

We enjoyed our road trip of tenting and motelling our way to Winnipeg and back.

I will give a shout out to the lovely Manager of Motel 6 in Brandon, MB who went out of his way to help rescue our wet laundry from one his dryer's who totally quit. They took our wet laundry into their laundry room while we breakfasted on the best continental breakfast and recieved our laundry dried and folded!

We loved the fact that their rooms are clean and sparkling, no carpeting, yeah! Modern and everything worked great, highly recommend this site.

I have some more photos of dresses I took and forgot to get photos of me wearing them!!

This white dress began life as a white linen shirt I loved to death. I still couldn't part with it and added repairs and ruffles to make it into a dress.

I wore this dress on almost every day, I hand washed it a couple of time around the campfire. 

I got so many comments on my vintage top with bobbles!

Peace and contentment back at home with my stitching plans.

This quilt top will be finished this fall and sandwiched for winter quilting.

Along with a couple of gifts for some special people, you've seen one on the wall in one of dress photos, it will be completed this fall too. Plus, embroidery projects are on the go and I'll have more of that to share soon.

Happy Summer everyone!


  1. Replies
    1. It was a totally lovely drive across our beautiful Canada. My hubby is very camera shy and it was really about just 'being together' and we had so many laughs while getting momentarily lost on the Prairie roads that criss cross and so forth. Thank you for your comment Kaja! Come to Canada sometime and I'll show you around Vancouver Island!


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