CQ Winner & The Duncan Farmers Market


Easter is over and it was lovely to visit, eat and share our backyard with family and friends! 

But I must admit, the gardening to be done has taken over my life, a wee bit. Its always a push in the spring time to get ready for planting. I had sort of forgotten about how fast weeds invade as soon as the spring warmth returned to the soil. 

Without much in the way of freezing temperatures over the winter, I dreamed of the brocolli , kale, and tomatoes to  be grown in my new garden space, but its been kinda soggy here this spring I'd say!

Our days have mostly been cloudy with just a rare glimpse or two of sunny skies. And its not so very different from the spring time in the Bulkley Valley of Northern B.C. minus snowy days of rough driving conditions and shoveling snow for sometimes 4-5 months. 

And its quite lovely to be able to experience walking without ice. But quite frankly, we've lost the access to the backroads and wild parts of the forest. In most parts of our beautiful province, we are able to access crown land via forestry roads and respectfully co-exist with forest company logging developments.

This beautiful lynx is one example of public access to the back country. I most likely would not have seen this wild creature so readily if gates were on all the back country roads.

But enough of all that weather reporting and complaints of privately owned large forested areas of the lower Vancouver Island. 

We had hands to help and we picked a winner from the hat of all the entries into my Crazy Quilting Giveaway. April 1st was the end of the giveaway. 

It was most funny to ask a friend to pull a name out of a hat. She blinked and dutifully pulled out a name. Uncrumpled the paper and spoke "Mumbird3, who is that?"

Drum roll as Mary Anne would say and yes, we have a winner for my little crazy quilting fabric kit give away.

MUMBIRD3 is the winner. I apologize for this late post on this winner. Unforutunately, mumbird3, has no contact details on her profile. So Ms. Mumbird3, this purple package of lovelies for crazy quilting is waiting for you to contact me and claim your prize. 

email me at carli the quilter at gmail dot com

I've been playing around with postcards! One which has been bundled into the giveaway!

And onto other interesting things happening in my life, as it is when you open up your life to new adventures that adventures do come. I've spoken before of the beautiful earrings made by our friends Robert Cirens and his lovely wife Stephanie.

Image result for robert cirens art to wear

They are off on a trip and asked me to look after the popular booth Art To Wear Handmade jewelry at the Duncan Farmer's Market. I'm really looking forward to it and a little bit butterflies in my tummy too.

Image result for robert cirens art to wear

Duncan Farmers Market is such a hoot of a good time. To hang out and yack with people all day, well that is one job description I can get into!

Near our booth, last Saturday,  a local musician called Homeless Harold, sung away the entire time between 9-2 pm. And he was really good, had the just the right songs that many of us know and enjoy.

Homeless Harold has a lovely introduction on YouTube if you are interested.

The Cherry trees are blooming all over Duncan and its such a sight to see a whole street full of pink blossoms.

My purple plaid shirt dress is finally coming to an end and I'll be able to wear it for this coming Saturday!

I fell in love with this twig wreath.

And I've begun upcycling a favorite pink t-shirt is becoming a new fashion! I'm having some awesome fun!

You can kinda see where I'm going with this t-shirt upcycle. Sorry, these photos are so dark!

This was my garden patch with just a low level of weeds coming on back in March 17, 2018 and I've made a stab at it and its been raining so much that I just couldn't get out there. And since then the green ground cover is so bad, I went out last night before dark in a rare no rain moment to pick off the dandelion head before the start spreading over the rest of the garden.

But Johanna Wagstaffe, CBC Senior Meterologist says we have sun on the way. 
So we can hope that doesn't change and wishing you all a great sunny day wherever you are.


  1. Wow - to get a picture of a lynx is a pretty big thing! I've only ever seen one in the zoo. Congratulations to the lucky winner - she's sure to love all the goodies you're sharing! And....so jealous of the beautiful cherry trees as we deal with snow here and the aftermath of an ice storm. Going to be awhile before we get flowers methinks.

    1. oh sorry you are still experiencing winter. Happy flowery wishes for springtime! thank you so much for this lovely comment.

  2. Hope the sun has arrived for you Caroline. Our ground is soggy from all the rain lately and the weeds have almost taken over, gardening is going to be on my agenda too. You took a wonderful photo of the lynx, have you seen them often? I see you're busy with your upcycling, it's amazing what can be used.

    1. Hi Maureen, lovely comment! when we lived in Northern BC seeing a lynx is a rare occurrence. Let alone one that posed so well. I was shocked and slowly came to halt, fumbled with my camera and he/she still sat there. I intend to make this photo into a thread painting. cheers we are into springtime.

  3. Mumbird3 has been sleeping....actually it is mountain bike race season here so I have been out and about!!! (said with my Canadian accent!!!) mumbird3atgmaildotcom


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