Blogging My Way Somewhere New

Do you ever think about why you are writing a blog?

I ask myself this question frequently. I have much to share on quilting, stitching, and free form embroidery. I'd dreamed of being able to work from home like many others have done too, right?

We all love to hang in our PJ's, being productive and efficient if we could right? Its amazing how many of us wish to make some money from the hobbie/addiction crafting activity we all love. If you share this idea, have a blog and want to expand your intermediate quilting by some of the ideas I've shared with you in this blog, let me know?

 I began writing my blog with a spirited awareness of the enormous size, complexity and complicated nature of the Internet. I understood that our very large world could read my blog or not.... if you don't pay attention  and forget about your blog, your ideas can sink to the bottom of the lake!

I am a person who loves to read. I have wide interests and with gardening right around the corner, I am very excited about that first garden in the Cowichian Valley.

2018 is here, its clear there is no going back to the height of the 1970's when my nimble fingers hand sewed without stopping for hours on end. Back to the days of making my own clothing by hand and enjoying every minute of it or can I do that? Wait, yes, that's all possible again.

I found a box inside a box recently and came across 7 journals. Mostly it was old stuff that isn't really important to my quilting today or to anyone else. I began watching a Netflix movie last night and going through these journals and the glorious fun memories I have discovered.

And look at the joyous books I found??

Have you heard of Maria Peagler?

I discovered her sassy style and out in front style of social media left me learning a pile of good stuff from this young woman.

I've been reading and gleaning everything I could from her book "Promote Your Quilt Product with a Blog Tour" and some of that will become evident soon enough.

I have created some awesome workshops online for anyone to purchase. I will soon share all the details, but finding those books has been a major gratitude dance this first month of this privotal year for me.

And this little circles table runner has gone into the pre-quilting stage, while the other table runner is going to start hand quilting tonight. I've had toe surgery today and need to get my foot up right away.

I have lots to share of the developments I've been working on in the back ground for quite sometime and really excited to be almost there to share with all of you.

I can say it now, I'm going to be moving towards a new blog site later this year. And no, chickens are not involved! unless they are on the barby!


  1. A very stimulating post Caroline!! You have me waiting now to see where your your journey will take you and what you have in store for us to see.
    I do like your little circles table runner, I think a larger throw size quilt would look good using this design, I have a huge selection of Japanese fabrics which would certainly lend themselves to this design - food for thought here!

    1. THANK YOU! I'm glad you found it simiulating. My plans and aspirations are becoming real to me and I'm so excited that you are coming along on my workshop journey. Glad to have you aboard.
      I noticed in your profile that you love the Anne of Green Gables. has a new series called "Anne" and I recommend it highly. It made me smile, laugh and giggle right through it all.

  2. It all sounds very exciting! I'll look forward to learning more, and to your new blog.

    1. Hi Kaja,
      Thank you! I do enjoy your work and I'm sure you'll love it.

  3. So I just found your other I see this one..and I see that there are others...hmmm Altered clothing..My husband suffered so from ALS before he died..I did a bit of sewing for him, but nothing fancy like you are... Anyway, I do not know you yet...Wondering if I have to read all the blogs to find the real you xo

    1. Hi Diane! Lovely yo hear you are finding I have more than one blog. Life in the blogging world has caused me a wee bit of fractured ideas and the changes I speak of and you've found are why the changes. This blog represents me for sure. Great to have you visit.

  4. Your posts are always interesting Caroline - and I wonder what you will have in store for us next. Enjoyed seeing your book collection too!

    1. Cheers Mary Anne! I am so glad to hear that you find my blog jnteresting.


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