Thank Adrianne, for her No-Reply Blogger Help

Recently, I received an email from one of dedicated readers and she said that I'm still "a no reply comment blogger." 

I was quite miffed by that and wondered the what the heck you have to do to get this little item changed. I have sought the help of other bloggers and some gave some good advice, but their pages are often different from mine and with all the various settings one has these days, OMG you can get lost!

Then I received an invite to view a new blogger. Happy Hour Projects hosts a information blog on all sorts of quilting, jewelry etc stuff and I started searching her blog for anything she may have written about this "NO-Reply blogger setting" and she did, wow, I've solved my problem I believe. 

Adrianne is one smart cookie and I think, if you know that you are a no-reply  blogger, do read this post she posted in 2012 on her blog, it has  helped me.

Plus, I know it just gets better heh?

You can pop over to her "job site" and if you are into learning about making jewelry, they are hosting a free book on jewelry making, now you can't beat that!!

I did and I glad I did join up with that site because they also have great selections on home decor etc and if that is not enough to make you go "Ya, I can do that" then check out her extensive Pinterest page, OMG, its a treasure chest of good ideas and practical projects to fit anyone's  budget.

So this is my little way of saying "Thank you Adrianne" for helping me solve this annoying little problem. 

All the best, 


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