"Reuse Confession" Winner! & More parcels!

Hello new friends and followers ~ Welcome to my blog where I'm talking harvesting!

I asked the question " What do you do to reuse by making anything from a portion of the whole of an article of clothing.

It was my  hope that more folks might admit this fact by helping our fragile blue planet? And some did for sure. I thank you all ladies for your honesty!

I was really pleased to hear all the comments left by these engaged women from around the world.

I put the names in my husbands cap and he picked our winner who is Emily Carnes!!

She wrote this comment as quoted below:

"Yay! I am so glad to read this post! I just posted last night about my "new" sweater that I got from my friend who re-purposes wool sweaters into new sweaters and "sweater-dresses". Every time I read the words recycle, upcycle, and repurpose, it makes me happy. We truly do have so much excess, and after all, repurposing worn out clothing and other fabrics is the origin of quilt-making! I would love to be a part of this conversation. It may even inspire me to finish up my hexagon baby quilt that was made out of 100% salvaged materials, most of them flowery tops, and a brown cotton skirt. Your monkey wrench wall quilt is fabulous - is the monkey wrench block the same thing as a churn dash? I'm still learning about these things._"

I'm so pleased it turned out to be someone in my own province. Yahoo for parcels in the mail. Emily, I'll pop this into the mail next day I'm in a town, which is Friday, April 11.

Don't you just love getting parcels in the mail??


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