In the world of hand embroidery, one stitch can make many. Study the stitches. See how many ways a simple daisy stitch can be placed in a hundred ways.
Some of my days of late have been drafting, measuring, pressing, sorting and the like. I stumbled on a very organized-Value-Village-COVID-19 in Nanaimo. I glove-masked up and went in. Lots of decent, reasonable priced for a retail market. Maybe I'm just forgetting prices but these prices in VV and other "thrift shops" are becoming unreasonable for many seniors and low income folks to afford. The pricing seemed higher than previous times. Leave me your comnents below. I felt suddenly without much blue or green in my stash. But the good news is that it means I'm using it up at least my green and blue stash. And this is the first really sized load of fabrics I've purchased since 2016. Not bad! And that the green and blue fabrics might just find its way into new family quilts that I'm working on. Plus, I'm starting another Canadian Flag quilt for my youngest son.He's been wanting one since I gave the first one I made and then gave...
My start was all 'high hat' style of course and then my life changed dramatically with one phone call. I got a new job! So as the days that I'd scheduled for work on this little project blog tour participation dwindled with chaotic new work schedules, the drama increased! My plan was to create a new piece with Carol's Bowls With Borders paper piecing. Where I live is a constant influence in my art, my life and my choices for recreation. In the photo above, I actually hand sewed the paper piecing. I bet that is a first! They turned out really well, but the hand stitching wouldn't let me tear away the paper. I imagined a modern piece, the graph paper told me so and I continued. I free hand drew my version of a sockeye on the back side of iron on stabilizer on red linen. I am a fisher as you all know by now! I've been out to the lake on my days off work harvesting sockeye salmon and enjoying the hot summer sun as we baked in the boat on...
We are helping to tidy up my father in law's home and get him settled into a new home. Its tough, not easy to deal with and we are trying our best to hold down all that we have going on. But thank you for all the kind comments on my spring posts, its been kinda dismal in terms of my stitching, nothing really new, just a bunch of little pages for my weight loss journal. The following pages are some of what I've been mindlessly stitching out the stress of these times. Rusty is aging fast and this is a common view of Rusty whenever we find a shady spot to sit and watch the waves come in. She is 14.5 yrs old this year. We are taking time in small bites to reset our extra busy-ness this summer, elder care and a wedding, its way too busy. Happy quilting everyone. Carli
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