Northern B.C Hand Quilting Celebration
Carli Heinrichs, from Telkwa, British Columbia, Canada
I started hand quilting after I attended a quilt show in Washington about 15 years ago while participating with a carpool of quilters from Republic, Wash. I can't remember where it was, but I watched the Governor's Award recipient do her hand quilting demo. I was so amazed and realized that it just took lots of practice. I thank this lady for my start.
First up is my precious Altered Magic Tiles, I couldn't seem to just stick with it where the instructions said to stop.
Up next is the mega projects written about in this post "Canadian Birds and Giveaway" which I posted about on July 4th, 2012.
Its on our bed over the winter. This quilt is filled with a light layer of wool batting. It was dense in some places to quilt and easy peasy in others. But I recommend it if you like to sleep in a cool room warm and toasty under a wool lined quilt.
A retreat friend of mine took this photo. Had such fun working on this at that retreat, it helped get motivated to finish it as it sat as a UFO for 12 years. Read about at this posting.
Then up next is our youngest son's graduation quilt. He chose to enter the military and I had the pleasure of keeping it our home for several years, but now he's proud as punch with his hand quilted Mamma made quilt just for Paul.
Stitched along each seam, took forever, but was well worth it.
Our handsome Paul loves it and it became his Christmas present a few years back.
I recommend starting something smaller to work on so you get the hang of the peaceful path of no resistance of hand quilting. Hand quilting is obviously not for everyone, but its so quiet, you can watch your favourite show or listen to the radio while you watch your quiet work become done. This little pineapple welcome quilt is another one that sat for a long time as a UFO, then I had revived energy to start back to its completion.
This little "Hexie Flower" holds a special place in my heart. I had begun the hexie's in the summer of 2005, then we went on a vacation to the fabulous Haida Gaii, while we were visiting being a tourist, we crashed at a campsite on the quiet side of one of the islands and just fell in love with the long beaches and warm breezes. I completed it there.
So these the main items I've hand quilted. I don't consider myself an expert by any means and I thank the many other hand quilters who have encouraged me online and so glad to have found this blog.
Hope you've enjoyed my projects and I too, encourage you to be brave and start hand quilting, there is no machine that can replicate the tiny hand made stitches of hand quilting.
I'm linking up a second time with "Celebrate Hand Quilting Blog Hop" go and check out the other great projects and awesome quilting done by hand!
By for now, Carli
Hope you've enjoyed my projects and I too, encourage you to be brave and start hand quilting, there is no machine that can replicate the tiny hand made stitches of hand quilting.
I'm linking up a second time with "Celebrate Hand Quilting Blog Hop" go and check out the other great projects and awesome quilting done by hand!
By for now, Carli
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