Thread Painting Workshop Giveaway

Hello everyone, :)

I bet some of you are wrinkling your forehead and wondering what's going on with Carli's blog? Yes, its true, I've been reading, learning, doing an e-course and trying to improve my blog. I know, you've probably noticed that I recently had my own photo on my page. Egads, I must learn how to resize photos. I certainly didn't want "a photo in your face size!!" Sorry :)

I  have changed my backgrounds available from blogger several times! I have changed where things are located on my blog and I've written another tutorial and posted that too!

Go to my Pages section and scroll down till you see the Chevron Braid. Its the most recent tutorial and a good one.

You'll also see that I've made up a cute little advertisement for our property that is for sale and we'd like to sell. 

But most importantly, I've decided to start offering workshops. Now I looked at the whole matter of doing my workshops online at recognized online sites offering classes. But decided that I preferred to be more inclusive, personal and have a ready and able hands on approach.

Why all these changes?

  • I've  been blogging since 2011 and its just time for a renovation
  • I'm learning from other blogger's what they are actively doing and want to do something like it
  • Its important to keep on growing, trying new things out and I really could use your expert help?
Please check out my blog and let me know what another pair of eyes see and tell me what you think, Please?

Now for the Giveaway!

Sir Alfred Smithers in Thread Painting was popular!

I wanted to say a really big thank you to our son Paul, who is so kind and supportive of my work, that he kept on encouraging me and here we are.

One lucky commenter who wishes to help me improve my blog, will win a free 1 yr. access to my Portraits Anyone? Thread Painting Self Portrait workshop, registration begins on Friday Sept. 27th. 

If you pop over to my PAGES on the left sidebar, you'll see more information on me and the basics of how the class is offered, please click on 'Classes'

Giveaway ends Sept 20th


Update!, I had no comments by Sept 20th, so back to carrying on with quilting. Too bad I didn't get to give one workshop away. 


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