Garage Sale Saturday!

Garage sales are fun, they provide a welcome little look into a person's life. You are laying out things that were once important.

And the rain didn't stop anytime soon. More tarps just went up and the wind played havoc with our tarps.

The puddles grew larger. By 8 am, we were wondering what kind of a dismal display of 'garage salers' would even come by. We are located 31 km's from Smithers and this is a long way to go.

But people came and laughed and talked, lots of stuff went off our property.

Lucky for us, our karma swarmed with interest in both our garage sale items and our property. It was awesome fun to give away things, just because and to accept a lower price just  because you knew they couldn't afford anything more.  :) You know?

Its not always about how much money is made from your garage sale!

Its about community, talking, joking, selling to friends and letting things go.
Letting the past wash away into the future. Let go of memories of losses and gaines and learning.

Renewal is such an aphrodisiac. Taking a strong look at where you are and where you want to be is simply refreshing.

OMG, I here U2 in the  background! I'm not  being sappy, but you know when you are called up?

Called up to invest, to share and teach. You go!

Sharing is so much fun!

Everyone should have the same access to quality instruction. No matter where they live or how isolated their community might be, we all deserve to be able to see new ideas expressed in textiles and more.

These are just some of the thoughts I had during our garage sale, which was very successful, we parted company with all sorts of things that we didn't use anymore and we're one step closer to my dream job.

Next posting "My Dream Job"

Take care, thanks for popping in and visiting. Oh, my I need a new cup of tea!



  1. I can't wait to see you here in Terrace. I've made the mistake of looking at some quilting magazines and have been infected with the "bug". Got to stitch something!!!

    1. Louise, me too, can't wait and we most certainly will gather and stitch!! Keep your eyes out for any private or great deals you hear about in real estate. Email me directly if you hear of something. Must run to work!


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