Centennial Quilt Part Four- Rusty's Decision
Meet Rusty, she is a friend to me like no other. She hangs out in the hallway outside my sewing room. Her training as a pup was to learn that 'Rusty's quilt' is her spot to hang out. We both have some doggies dander allergies. Thank Goodness, I have a great vacuum, its a Dyson. I recommend this type as it doesn't take bags and can cleaned thoroughly between uses. Rusty loves it too.
She has been a constant player of decision discussions, where she cocks her head to one side or the other with her own uncertainty.
a lovely local artist has ventured into a new field of painting with fabric. I encourage you to visit her site and see all her work for sale.
This piece below depicts the pioneer way of transporting all goods to the early beginnings of Smithers and Northwest BC. Horses remain a vital part of the valley, where 4-H groups and fall fair events are an ongoing major event each year.
Thank you so much Anne!
another kind local artist painted this sunset, which I'd love to keep in my house, but alas, its going into the Smithers Centennial Quilt. Recently, I've begun trimming, aligning and designing piece by piece.
I feel so blessed to have had so many wonderful artist get on board very early in the planning. Linda Stringfellow is another local artist who created this gorgeous fabric piece below of the original Provincial Courthouse, which now houses our local Smithers Art Gallery and BV Museum.
I am grateful to the artists who had so many other things, shows, family commitments and disruptions of all sorts who came through with a block for the quilt. Below is Martha Wertz, who in so many ways, stepped up to the plate with a finished paintings while packing to move her home south.
Another hidden talent recently who has become the chef at Moricetown Elementary School in Moricetown, my friend Todd Lace. He's so talented in so many ways, that he continues to make art in leather, found lumber and fabric, diverse is the word, check out the Moricetown Band Office for many activities organized here.
By now, if you've been reading regularly, mountains play a really big role here in the Bulkley Valley. Much of our focus on tourism based images is all about the alpine area of Hudson Bay Mountain, but our valley has three serious mountain ranges and so the above photo shows the start and progress of the Babine Range.
I'm working on various parts that will be photographed soon and posted here. For now, this is where I'm with the Smithers Centennial Quilt Project.
Bye for now, thanks so much for your very kind comments! I do enjoy reading them and stay tuned for more over December as I count down to the new year of 2013.
All the best,
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