Bold and Crazy-Color Choice in Crazies?

I made a comment recently on Debra's blog. I highly recommend it, she is "most def" an addict to crazy quilting. Talent beyond the door for sure and a pleasure to read her posts on my favorite theme. I made a comment about how much I love to use black and very bold colors. 

 Most of my work in crazy quilting has been reaching back in time and finding those colors that make a quilt pop and I think black is one those colors that makes a quilt pop.

Its like this crazy quilt below, its yet unnamed ? As of earlier in 2012, I didn't have a name, but its now its called "Tropical Sunset"

Working on this crazy quilt blocks keeps my fingers well used for the hand embroidery involved with the Smithers 2013 Centennial Quilt.

I don't like boredom in any way, shape or form. I like to have changing colors, textures and highlights that make my mind reel with more ideas! In fact, upon reflection of my photo collection, I can see my Mexacali quilt and these 'Tropical Sunset crazy Blocks going together, can't you!

It could be radical and even more crazier than some of my quilts,  I just don't limit myself to the confines of what everyone else is doing in textiles. My textile creations are so versatile I think its like having a candy store with lots of variety.
I was lucky enough to have started with black floral print with  hot pepper colors on top of the black background. These blocks were a round robin affair with many of my quilter friends. Black and tropical colors can most certainly work well in this quilt as a border, it could make this quilt pop.

In the photo above, you can see  how I used an autumn set of colors. So I did choose them. Many times at classes I teach, students have suggested that the 'crazy quilter' didn't choose her colors, she just went at it.
I don't believe this. The most precious, antique crazy quilts, one of which I have in my collection, is all hand embroidered onto recycled fortrel pant fabric. Made of pale, lemon and pale green colors, that hand embroidery pops. Its the setting or background that makes a quilt pop.


  1. I'm not sure why your blog is not showing up in my Reader. Hmm.

    I pulled out my box of black fabrics and intend to embroider on them tomorrow. Let the experiments begin!

    I'm fond of your last color arrangement but I agree, 5" is small. You could use them as the center of blocks and add more or other colors around the edges for larger blocks you would enjoy hand embroidering more.

    1. Yes, a border of some sort needs to happen with those 5 incher's way too small, this is the very exciting part. You've inspired me with your inventive embellishments of all sorts.

      I'm making new curtains for our camper this weekend and will post some photos soon.

  2. Hi, Carli. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such nice comments. And I agree, black is so useful--adds drama, shows off other colors well. I've been liking dark gray lately too. I like your combinations of interesting fabrics. I have multiple projects going at one time as well, all in different stages. I think I do that because each project requires such an investment of time. So I'll begin (that's always fast), then I'll just dog away at pieces until I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Then I can finish rapidly. I guess I don't think it's important to count time......Oh, yeah, I've got a piece about time in my head-- I better get a start on that one before it slips away!
    best, nadia


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