Wonders of the World Quilt Finished!

A special hello to all my followers! Thank you so much for reading my  blog and being interested in learning more about how to be a green quilter!

I'll be posting all the finishes I'm currently working on as they are done. This little quilt is actually my own quilt. Yep after the dozens of quilts I've made over the years, even before this blog, I didn't make any quilts for myself. You know how it went back then, I didn't think about taking photos, that was before I became a blogger!

I started this quilt in the 1990's, hand sewing the various log cabin blocks from random scraps. I took this scraps along in a special back pack when I went bar fishing with my hubby.  Then we moved three times since starting this. Then the inner off white muslin border became stained, then I had to wash the unfinished quilt. Again, absent mindedly, I didn't think of the mess of snags from the fabric on the back side. So then I had to hand snip all those  bits, then reinforce some seams that came apart after washing. The off white muslin was quite a mess and had become uneven. Then I was quite depressed about it all and it went away into a  bin for about a decade. Then a few years ago, I dragged it out and again.
I had a renewed sense of purpose in it and the muslin border, frayed and all, didn't deter me this time. I hand drew the waving edges along and hand appliqued that off white to the red background. 

Now, finally its all done and I'm so happy with it. I love it when random blocks all come together into a quilt. A young modern quilter friend of mine suggested that this would look awesome in a pattern using modern fabric. I'm thinking about that. Uhm...

What do you think? Should I make this into a pattern? Let me know by commenting.

All the best,



  1. It's a very nice quilt with a great story. You should put that historical paragraph on a label on the quilt, then your posterity will cherish your dedication to quilting!
    My wife has hand quilted her quilts for most of her quilting life. Only in the last few years has she reluctantly taken them to someone with a long arm quilting machine.
    Your Wonders of the World quilt is priceless!

    1. Wow, Peter, thank you for your awesome comment. You are right of course, the story will go with the quilt. I've got a wee start on that label for my posterity. Hand quilting is my passion too! I have had one quilt done professionally, but decided the frugal me had to figure out a way to do the machine quilting in pieces and so that's how almost all my quilts are machine quilted by me!

      I guess, Wonders of the World is priceless! Thanks so much for reading....


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