QWI Friendship Quilt

I'm a member of a wonderful ladies organization called Women's Institute. Our Quick WI branch has been pretty active, with new members joining all the time. Recently, like many of us, one of our members has to begin cancer treatment.We thought of our dearest friend going through this process. We knew immediately what we had to do, make her a "friendship quilt" to snuggle under when at the hospital. 
We all work outside the home or in the home studio and its so close to Christmas, but what the heck, we're on for two Sundays.

We laid out the sandwiched 12.5 inch blocks, ready for quilting. We placed a random sewing machine drawing of a 'heart' in each block, then stippled inside the heart on each of the 42 blocks.

As we went, we planned and talked, a real quilting bee!

 This event was held at Nola's house and we used her husband's pool table to lay it all out on, thanks Ed!
Nola was up and down the stairs, keeping us in coffee and goodies and the pot luck lunch was awesome for gluten/wheat free ladies like me. Thanks ladies, its so lovely to have pals like you!

 Our new President Laurie, pinning away, while Bonnie, me and Nola laugh along!

 Collaboration, quilting bee's reborn! Bonnie's a real trooper, holding that whole quilt while I did machine quilting. 

Success, in two Sunday's its a finished queen size quilt ready for birthday delivery to our past President.
From left to right, Nola, Denise, Bonnie, Laurie and me, Carli,
this photo is missing Chris Drey who helped on the previous Sunday! 

We are a great team of quilters!


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